

Testimonies as a result of praying for the Holy Spirit

„This is the word of the Lord …: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit“ Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

194. A changed life and a changed ministry
In 2018 I attended a Pastor’s Convention. A speaker from the General Conference spoke about the book, Steps to Personal Revival. That night I downloaded the book and began reading it on my phone. Even though I had been a Seventh-day Adventist Christian for 18 years and a Pastor for 8 years, this book changed my life and changed my ministry. The parable of the 10 virgin’s was explained so simply and powerfully. It convicted me that I was living in my own strength and challenged me to pray for the Holy Spirit daily. When I started doing that it seriously transformed my life. I now have a closer relationship with the Lord then I could have ever imagined, an assurance of salvation and a peace that passes all understanding. I also been abundantly blessed with sharing this truth with others. Those who have read and applied these principles have also had their lives changed as well. Thank you  for writing this inspired book. It is just what the church needs in these last days.   #194 251023    P. K., Pastor Australia, O#ctober 25, 2023

195. Relationship with God, marital life and insights to share the message
On the other hand, I would like to share with you some news on my side. My wife and I we are re-reading the book together currently. We use it as a devotional for our couple, and praise the Lord, He is helping us to deal with the challenges in our marriage.
All of this to tell you that I have become passionate about my relationship with God, especially with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I am experiencing it daily, and I am seeing the Lord doing great things in my personal and marital lives, and giving me insights to share the extremely crucial message to others.  #195 EE251023  L.R. Pastor, Madagascar

196. I read every day two pages „Abide in Jesus“
I am a retired Seventh-day Adventist pastor. I have read both the Steps to Personal Revival and Abide in Jesus books many times and am continuing to be greatly moved by this books. I read two pages of Abide in Jesus every day after reading the morning devotional during my morning and evening worships. I then pray earnestly for the baptism and infilling of the Holy Spirit.  I will continue to read this book every day until the end of my life and pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  After the Bible and the Spirit of Prophesy books, Abide in Jesus is my most beloved book.  Reading it moves me anew each time I read it. I personally believe God is using this books to bring Adventists, Protestants, Catholics, and all others to receive the latter rain and participate in the spiritual revival. I went to the East Central India Union Section every year for 11 years from 2008-2018.  By the grace of the Holy Spirit, we conducted 45 large evangelistic series, planted 167 new churches, and baptized 10,208 souls into the Adventist Church.  This result is all from the powerful working of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, I give all glory to God.   #196 EE101123 C.S.A. Pastor i.R. Korea

197. Young woman, Mission Pioneer, wins 38 people for Christ again.
We reported under No. 191 how a young woman was able to lead 31 dear people to baptism in December 2022 through steps to personal revival. The following report shows that she was again able to lead 38 candidates to baptism in November 2023. Pr U L Anthony, a retired pastor, conducted the baptism of 38 candidates on Sabbath,  25th Nov 2023, in Niagama, Southern Province,  Sri Lanka; a work carried out by Global Mission Pioneer Sister Subani. This is a witness to the power the Lord Jesus is keen to provide to His Church through the Holy Spirit when we daily confess our sins, submit our will to Jesus, and ask
and receive a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit for the day! Praise be to the Lord God! #197 EEO11223 N.S. Sri Lanka