

Testimonies as a result of praying for the Holy Spirit

„This is the word of the Lord …: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit“ Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

146. Spiritual-Missionary Restart in three steps to 15 baptisms
We want to share an experience from the church in Decatur/Alabama, USA, from 2019-2020 and in the process will also identify the three steps:

First Step – Spiritual Revival
Spiritual Revival through intensive reading and praying for the Holy Spirit with the aid of the book “Steps to Personal Revival”

Decatur Part 1: “In preparation for an evangelistic series, the members started to pray together at the church every Sabbath morning for 30 minutes. They shared pointers in the church bulletin in order to promote prayer, revival and the work of the Holy Spirit. They held a video-seminar about the Holy Spirit in the church on two consecutive Sabbath evenings. After the seminar, copies of the book “Steps to Personal Revival” were distributed and the members were requested to read it in the next six weeks.  After that, they participated in the “Ten Days of Prayer” in January 2020. The church prayed for revival and the Holy Spirit. This was followed by a Sabbath of “praise and prayer”.

Second Step – Relationship Cultivation internally and externally
Study the book “40-Days: Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming” by Dennis Smith in pairs for revitalization and joy in your spiritual life. Start intercessory prayer for five unreached people, contact them and maintain this contact.
     Decatur Part 2: After a weekend seminar held by the leaders of church growth in the gulf states conference, the church started to study the 40-Day book in groups of two. This strengthens and gives joy in our prayer life and our life with the Holy Spirit. As a result, our interest and joy in telling others about Jesus grows. They also followed the suggestion in the book that each person should pray for five unreached people. Then they got in touch with their acquaintances or former church members and maintained this contact. A good number of the baptisms came from this group, which the church members had prayerfully chosen. This caused an additional retroactive blessing. The joy we give, returns to our own hearts.
Addendum: Think about it – when ten church members would each pray for and maintain contact with five people, that would be 50 people; 50 church members would then have 250 people. We can be guides to Jesus for them. At the end of the 40-Days, these candidates for God’s kingdom are invited to a visitor Sabbath with a special program. An invitation to a care group or evangelistic series follows (held by a preacher or by video). In this way – in addition to our personal contact – they can be helped in their faith and it can be a great blessing for them.

Third Step – Sharing the Gospel
“You will receive the Holy Spirit and through His strength you will be my witnesses….”
(Acts 1:8 translated from the German “Hoffnung fuer Alle” version) 
Decatur Part 3: When the evangelistic series started in Decatur, the church experienced a revival and a deeper relationship with Jesus. During the lectures from Robert Meneses, the church members were able to deepen their relationships with the guests and the Holy Spirit worked on their hearts. After the lecture series, ten dear people gave their lives to Jesus through baptism and later five more people. The church regards these results as a testimony to the power of prayer.

Adapted from the report by Elida Meneses in “Southern Tidings” p. 20, Southern Union Conference, USA, Sept. 2019 (#146)

147.  … and when the Elders are not interested?
I just returned from a two days revival meeting which started on Friday evening. EvangelistSamuel M. organized this meeting at his local church. The church has1365 members. What was interesting to me, was the manner on which hedistributed the book. He introduced a method that worked so well for his church that everyone able to read English received a copy of steps. Five months ago, he received a copy of the Step to Personal Revival, and read it. Revived by the message in the book, he decided to introduce the message in the book to the elders of his church, But the elders showed no interest in the book. He suggested a revival and although they were not interested, he pushed for it until they consented. A date was set and he began to sensitize the congregation. Samuel convinced the financially able members to contribute K20 for revival materials. Over 600 members contributed monies for 890 Steps books. But Samuel was greatly discouraged to note that none among the elders contributed making it clear to him that the church leadership was not in support of the revival program. However, the program took place. The program was done and the Elder were amazed at what they heard and saw. They witnessed the spirit of revival and they too were greatly revived. Those who paid for one book where give another book to give to those we did not have and everyone in this church had a book to read including the elders. The church has promised to make revival programs a priority.  EE MFS191119 from Zambia

148. President from a closed country in Asia
I pray that this book will change our whole mission work.
I am the president of a Missionfield. Just now I have finished first reading of the book “Steps to Personal Revivial”. I am sorry that I did not know about this  book before, but thankful to God that He shows me the book even now. Actually I have received this book from a friend as a gift. And I didn’t expect much, but as soon as I opened this book, it starts to impact my spiritual life. So last night I sent pdf files of this book to all our workers, and asked them to read with their family members. From today I will read again with my wife, and also I will send this book to my children and daughter-in-law. While I was sharing this book with our workers, I realized that the translation in our two main languages is on the way. I pray that this book will change our whole mission work. We will published it in our languages, so that our members will be blessed with presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The reason to write this email is to ask your favor to come and speak in our workers family retreat. If you can come and lead our workers, it would be really wonderful. I pray that our Lord continues to use you and your book to bring revival of His church.   H.J. EE090220 #148

149. An immeasurable added value
I hereby thank you for the wonderful gift of this great book. It has brought me immeasurable added value in every way. I have become a living testimony to the power of this book. I want many of my community to have access to it and to be able to spread it.
from Brazil – V.S.S. EE230120 #149

150. My faith has strengthened immensely
I was very inspired by steps to personal Revival. My husband read it first and reported it to me enthusiastically. I then read it several times and listened to it as an audio book. I was able to experience miracles immediately: My faith has changed immensely strengthened and I started my relationship with God and with the Lord Jesus fresh and new! To do this, we, my husband and I, started reading the Bible with his younger son and sister, who have never wanted to hear from God. Since I pray for the Holy Spirit every day, the circle of my relationships has expanded incredibly. I was very happy to hear that “Steps …” already had an Italian version. I would like to order 10 pieces. I would very much like to translate “Abide in Jesus” into Italian.
M.C.B. EE 140220 # 150  – From Switzerland

151. A Converted Pastor
First of all, thanks for writing the book Steps to Personal Revival. I just finished reading it and recording it as an audiobook, which has given me a completely new perception of what it means to be a Christian, a leader and a pastor. I have even come to the conclusion that the way I lived made me part of the group of the five foolish virgins. I cried for hours and had a sleepless night. It was painful, but now I have such assurance and a great blessing that the Holy Spirit has filled my heart. I wish I could explain what a miracle it is for me. As when Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem and cleansed it, I realized that God’s Spirit cleansed my spirit in one night with His presence from certain thoughts and feelings, which it would have taken me years to do myself. I noticed that there wasn’t a Spanish version of the audiobook. That is why I read it from the screen from the PDF and recorded it so that anyone can listen to it while reading it. It is very powerful and doubles the blessing, because it is easier to memorize the concepts and ideas. It is available in YouTube. Thank you! I will see you in heaven. N. C. a converted pastor – From USA.  EE06032020   #151

152. Tremendous blessing to a family
Before sharing about a big burden that the Lord put on my heart last year (a missionary project), I want to say thank you and praise the Lord for the book  “Steps to Personal Revival!!” The book has been a tremendous blessing to my family. It woke me up to the need for the Holy Spirit and thanks to the second reading I was preaching on it in December of 2018. I’m a growing “infant” with the Holy Spirit – as it’s been less 1.5 years. God is so good!!   ARC  EE180320    from USA

153. University Church Sao Paulo, Brazil
IYes, our church printed and distributed 5,000 books (Steps to personal Revival) to our students and brothers on Saturday, February 8.
We used the booklet to launch our 10 + 40 days prayer campaign (Pentecost).The sermons on every Saturday in February were dedicated to the study of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Our pastor Gilson encouraged reading the book in small prayer groups. Also during this period, our brothers were encouraged to point out the names former church members. More than 300 names have been nominated. We started a work of prayer, contact and visitation of these people. We’d have a great closing schedule on March 28th, where these people would be our guests of honor, but unfortunately, COVID-19 made it impossible to complete our schedule. I asked our group elders to obtain experience reports from the various study groups. As soon as I receive the reports, I’ll let you dear brother know. Yes, the experience reports are very inspiring. We clearly see signs that soon our dear Jesus will come for us.  UNASP SP, Brazil – EE310320 E.F.

154a. It makes a difference in my life
Heavenly greetings from Fiji.
I have been studying your book (Steps to Personal Revival) and asking for the Holy Spirit. It is starting to make a real difference in my life, and I thank God so much for the simple, yet very practical way the book is structured. My humble request is because many do not understand English. … I am asking if it is possible to have your permission to translate the book into Fijian and help them also access the great blessings through the advice in the book.I have been in the church for over 20 years and this is about the best thing that I can feel straight away, and so agree with how important it is for end time christians. EE 270319 I.N. Fiji

154b. never been so overjoyed in serving God
2nd message – 3 month later
Now, let me tell you what has happened since we started corresponding in late March. The day after I asked you for permission to use your material, I was preparing to present a sermon in downtown Suva City. I preached the first of the series on The Holy Spirit (Steps to Personal Revival). Then they asked me if I wanted to do the next Sabbath..I said, I want another four Sabbaths. They gave me till the end of April. Then I was asked to present the topics twice in the university church and once at the community centre of the church HQ in Suva. Sermons 2, 3 and 4 were Trans-Pacific-Union. I just finished a weekend program for a Youth group including the churches. I am invited to the Kiribati-Islands to present the series at Tarawa.
As to what has happened to me personally and my family….it probably needs another email..I can only say..I have never been so overjoyed in serving God and we have been so blessed..more than we were think or imagine…
Since I started at the end of March, I now have three…3 contracts of work…the most I have ever had in monetary terms, I am already driving a car, I have visited a Pacific country I never thought I would get to..and just so much more.The best is; I now enjoy a relationship with my Savior I have never thought possible…amen..amen..amen….
My God continue to bless using you for His ministry…and I am a living testimony of what His Spirit can achieve in a short time when you apply His promises according to His will.
Shortened/edited EE240619 I.N. Fidschi #154b

155. reinvigorated understanding and appreciation of Jesus
I am a Pastor in USA. I have been deeply impacted by reading your book, “Steps to Personal Revival”, particularly the understanding of our DAILY need of the Holy Spirit. Daily asking for the Spirit led to a reinvigorated understanding and appreciation of Jesus in my life. I want to help share the message of our daily need of the Spirit…  Bearbeitet und gekürzt; EE 100420 N.D. #155

156. Supernatural Experience
My experience with the book Steps to Personal Revival was simply supernatural, despite being born in a Christian home, I never had a serious relationship with God and I did not know how to seek the Holy Spirit.  But in the third read, I could see the change in my life.  Jesus through the Holy Spirit changed my character in a way that everyone around me realized.  What a wonderful miracle!  God continue to bless your ministry!  EE 150420 N.R. Brasilien   #156

157. struggling with personal relationships
A particular sermon got my attention. It was by Pastor Shin. He was sharing what happened to the church in Michigan, when he pastored there. He mentioned about a book that helped make amazing changes in the church. (Steps to personal Revival)
I found the website and was happy to download for free. I am so thankful for the book (Steps to personal Revival). It has changed my life so much. I had been struggling with some personal relationships with family and friends. I am FREE from the stress I have been experiencing. God is so wonderful! The freedom from self was so exhilarating. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthen me. I love our LORD so much more!! Thank you so much for being the vessel in God’s work in helping people understand the beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit.  R. M. EE 160919 (EE V.M.) #157 shortened

158. for fourty years in church I did not know Christ.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is happening right now in this world. I have seen and felt the Holy Spirit in me since April 2019. I was in church for 40 years but did not know Christ personally. I have come to realise the works of the Holy Spirit and it’s a wonderful life in the spirit.  I have gone through a lot in the last 40 years of my life and the battles have been real but in the midst of my battles. God was in control. I did not fully understand everything until I came to life in the Spirit of God. The book Steps to personal Revival confirmed my life in the Holy Spirit. The works of the Holy Spirit explained in your book has given me daily strength. I personally want to thank you for sharing the Holy Spirit to the world.  R.N.K. 110620 Papua-Neuguinea #158

159. Bookevangelists sell Revival Literature – First Entries in to the Church
Our relationship with the bookevangelists started with the wife to the publishing director for our conference who read the steps book and was inspired. She is also a book evangelist. Her husband, the publishing leader, read the three books (Steps to personal Revival, Abide in Jesus, 10 Days) and supported the distribution of the books.
Four BE are doing a tremendous work. They have already sold and are selling 14.500 copies of Steps tpR and Abide in Jesus and for August they ordered again 8.000 books.
It is true that the books are helping non-SDA’s to revive too. I have personally seen three people, a couple from the Pentecostal – and
one from the Anglican Church join the church after they read the stepsbook. I am also studying with a Presbyterian couple who read the Stepsbook and are studying Abide in Jesus. I have been invited to speak at a non-SDA church called Assemblies of God next month about the Sanctuary. This came after the Church Pastor read these books, which he received through a BE.
M.F.S. EE130620 From Zambia #159

160. Holy Spirit leads to a big burden: Publishing online Get Ready Magazine
Before sharing about a big burden that the Lord put on my heart last year, I want to say thank you and Praise the Lord for the book you wrote “Steps to Personal Revival!!” The book has been a tremendous blessing to my family, it woke me up to the need for the Holy Spirit.
I’m reaching out because the Lord put a burden on my heart that aligns closely with Holy Spirit Ministries and to Steps to Personal Revival. My burden is to start an online magazine focused on waking God’s people up, helping those who are awake and helping others to get ready through a daily/complete surrender to Jesus and persistently asking for the Holy Spirit to help us reflect the character of Jesus.
The Lord has surely blessed the building out of the team for the online magazine (have a team of 20+ – writers, editors, etc.) – all articles will be published at:
For the June launch we are planning four to five sections (focus areas) for the magazine:
1. Get Ready!! (first article will be called Wake Up America, in future articles it will include how to live daily as a disciple for Jesus and more, key is to enlighten, encourage and empower people to wake up, surrender all to Jesus and ask daily for the Holy Spirit to prepare us for heaven)
2. Bible Promises & Prophecy (want people to be enlightened and encouraged to claim Bible promises and experience God’s power today)
3. Miracles of Yesterday & Today (want people to be enlightened and encouraged through miracles and to seek God’s power today)
4. Purposeful Prayer & More (encourage people to surrender self completely to Jesus as Lord and crying out for the Holy Spirit to help us be more like Him)
5. Health & Fitness (enlighten, encourage and empower readers to make healthier choices, to help them get ready for the spiritual battles ahead)
A.C. EE180320 from USA #160

161. Eugene Prewitt: Under which conditions do conversions in Europe take place?
“I was in Austria just a short time ago. And I will tell you that what I saw in Austria made me quite excited. I was at TGM. … This is a little missionary training school, kind of like the school of the prophets. … One week, every month, they turn their school into a wellness center. They have a doctor who comes for one week in each month and helps them. What really amazed me there was that when I was sitting with the students talking with them at the meals I found out that very often in the one week of medical missionary work they have conversions. That is: Here comes a patient, he or she is with them for six days and in that time he or she decides to become a Seventh Day Adventist. That’s amazing! Because Austria is cold-blooded Europe. It’s hard business converting people. But there in Austria, in one week, they’re having conversions. So I began to ask questions to find out what they’re doing, how they making this happen. You may think: ‘It’s a wellness center, of course.’ No, no, no, I live at a wellness center. Our programs are 20 days long and we have a few conversions per year. … So what was going on there in Austria is special. So I put on my radar and I began checking to find out what is happening. I’ve find out that the staff and students are praying every day to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. What’s going on is help from Heaven. That is what is happening.   S.N. Missionsbrief 51, Sept.2019, S. 9

162. To whom it may concern:
In July 2018 I was blessed to receive an English copy of the book “Steps to Personal Revival – Being Filled with the Holy Spirit, by Helmut Haubeil” while attending a ministerial meeting at one of the United States Conferences. I began to read it and on my return to Colombia I felt compelled to share with colleagues and brothers from the Adventist University Corporation, where I served as rector, some of the great truths about the person and the work of the Holy Spirit that are biblically documented in the aforementioned book. Last year (2020) I had the joy of receiving several copies of this book in Spanish, kindly donated by the Fundación Nuevo Amanecer. I am pleased to record the great spiritual benefits that my family and I have obtained from reading it. His timely reflections on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and in the church have been an inspiration to me for the elaboration of sermons and reflections presented in various congregations and prayer groups. We shared the book with several theology students of the Adventist University Corporation and they have informed me of several mornings of study, prayer and witness involving students and teachers, which have spiritually enriched the lives of the participants. I believe that this book should be read and reread by all of us who are part of the church in this solemn time in the history of the world, when under the power of the Spirit, each inhabitant of planet earth must know the wonderful love of God and the soon return of Jesus.   Dr. Abraham A. Acosta Bustillo, Guarne, Antioquia, Colombia, June 16, 2021.

163. Testimony from Cape Verde
I’m 29 years old, an elder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Palmarejo, Cape Verde – Africa. I received the book ‚Steps to Personal Revival‘ at the end of the year 2020 from a sister, at the time I was doing an academic internship with the 10th grade students as a math teacher, on the very first day my advisor said that the class was rebellious that I had to use an iron arm to control them, thank God I didn’t need that, because through the book I learned to intercede for each one of them and to beg the Spirit to enable me. Result: That class was the best in terms of grades, and behavior and I got the best grade among my fellow trainees.
Another interesting experience is that I used the book to perform ten days of prayer in different churches, I have never received so many invitations, this year alone I have preached more than 80 times in various churches in the country, and in all of them the difference in the lives of the brothers is remarkable.
In the midst of all this through the book, I’ve read it more than ten times, I was able to hear my call to ministry, I prayed about it and God responded in a miraculous way, someone appeared out of nowhere, who offered me a scholarship to Theology. Oh how grateful I am to God. Right now I’m finishing reading book 2 and preparing sermons for the year 2022.  E.T. 21. December 2021 from Cape Verde (Group of Islands off the northwest coast of Africa)