

Testimonies as a result of praying for the Holy Spirit

„This is the word of the Lord …: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit“ Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

176. Experience, that God leads
I have only read the book once so far. It wasn’t until I got over halfway through that I got really enthused and started putting it into practice every morning. It has only been two weeks but I am already having those ‘synchronicity’ experiences, especially when visiting people in the hospitals as a volunteer pastoral carer. It almost gives me goosebumps. I started praying using Helmut Haubeil’s Model Prayer on page 98 but I am now using all 16 bible verses listed and pray my own prayer around them. Ellen White reminds us that the Holy Spirit will only come in answer to prayer.    MM www.revivalandreformation 2018 from USA

177. A translator seeks the help of God
Being a translator, I sat down to translate the book, « Abide in Jesus ». After reaching the second page I was not able to continue to do the translation, I got stuck. This has never happened before and so I was upset and closed the work and left it aside without knowing what to do. Again after a month I tried to continue but it was in vain.
While going through the pages I read about asking for the « Holy Spirit everyday ».  God made me realize that I am trying to do the work without his help, without asking for the Holy Spirit. I knelt down and asked God for the Holy Spirit.
After this surrender I could translate and another miracle happened. I got a call to lead a prayer group where we get together to pray everyday for the revival and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I regret that I didn’t know that I should ask for the Holy Spirit everyday. But God graciously had given me this chance to realize and I am thankful for that. All glory be to God.    EE 140822 J.L. from France

178. A heart touched by 10 days of prayer 2021 was led to multiplication
Ever since the themes of these 10 days of prayer 2021 touched my heart, I felt motivated to share them. First contact was made with the pastors of those congregations in the former Soviet Union where I had previously worked. The resulting prayer groups continue to meet regularly (three times a week). Then similar topics were carried out with members in Germany. Those who attended these meetings are spreading the word in their communities. In this way, the number of participants is constantly increasing. These meetings are attended by brothers and sisters from all over the world. Such as: Azerbaijan, Israel, Germany, Italy, Austria, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine. The meetings are held in Russian. – One day later he added: I want to thank you again for the 10 days of prayer for 2021. The issues covered in it are so timely and the need for revival is so great that I have decided to have 10 days of prayer each month on these issues. The number of participants grows each time. Since September 12, more than 60 people have been taking part every day. God be praised for the “spirit of grace and prayer” he is pouring out on his church. The 10 days of prayer takes place at 5:30 in the morning.      EE 15-160922  L.G. from Germany
You find the 10 Days of Prayer2021 at –  Seeking Revival – Ten Days of Prayers (English and German) – In another 35 languages at – Past Years – 2021

179. Our dear Lord could do great things through one sister – (Jer 33:3)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had discovered and read the book, “Steps to Personal Revival.”  I was deeply inspired by this book and it transformed my life. I also read the books, “40 days Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming, No 1 &  No 2. And I have distributed Steps to personal Revival books with printing fees with more than 40,000 copies for the Korean people. I also started a prayer meeting group on July 11, 2021 and is aptly named it, *”Upper Room of the Holy Spirit”*.  With more than 330 members in this group, we meet every morning at 6:00 for the pleading of the Holy Spirit.
This year we started a Bible journey from Genesis to Revelation. Every morning we study five chapters with a Bible teacher as an interpreter under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  This journey will be completed on December 23, 2022 and then we will have a meaningful gathering at Sahmyook University Church on December 24, 2022. The gathering will be called, “The Great Revival Meeting for the Latter Rain” and it will be sponsored by Sahmyook University Theology Department and the University Church. May our wonderful Lord pour His Holy Spirit on us always.      EE 190922 Y-J.L.N.  from Korea
Never underestimate the influence of an individual, when the working of God’s Spirit is set in motion in mighty ways. God may be calling you for such a time as this. (Advised reading: Esther 4:14-16 and also: Christian Service, chapter 26: Assurance of Success)

180. Experience through 10 Days of Prayer 2021 – Prayer Group Experience: Healing from Alcohol Addiction.
I’ve been in covenant with God for over a year. Meanwhile I realized that it is not the years that matter, but the relationship with God! My relationship with Him must become close and personal. We need the Holy Spirit and His leading! I dare not think what would have happened if I had ignored the invitation to the “10 Days of Prayer 2021”. The healing of a paralytic in Mark 2:1-5 gives us a valuable clue for intercession. The paralytic could not come to Jesus. Four friends helped him come to Jesus. V. 5 says: When Jesus saw their faith – the faith of the four friends – he said to the paralyzed man: My son, your sins are forgiven you and healed him.’ Because of this incident, I was kindly advised with friends to “step into the breach” and pray for my alcoholic daughter. I thank God for giving me loved ones to carry “my burden” with me. We prayed through Zoom three times a day. We also kept days of fasting and prayer. This had been a special blessing to us. I also realized how important our ministry is to our own spiritual growth! I was aware of the blessings that have come to us in this ministry, but also of the great responsibility that was placed upon us as it stood at the “pyre” to save my daughter. We realized that our unrepented sins and lack of consecration could be a major obstacle to the Lord’s pouring out His blessings on us and my home (my husband, daughter, and son-in-law). This motivated us to examine our hearts and be reconciled to God and to one another! God also gave me wisdom about where to be silent and when and what to say when speaking to my family. Those who know me and the problems in my family know how insoluble they were human. But we saw the clear intervention of God when Anya stopped drinking without outside help.
I believe the Lord will continue to work on the hearts of those we include in our prayers together! We still pray together three times a day. We want to step into the breach for others. May the Lord give us devotion and zeal for our intercession and full trust in Him! Jesus says: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all this will be yours. (Mt 6:33)     EE230922 from Russia, sent in by L.G. abridged

181. Through the Letters to Andrew to Faith
That was this CD about the 17 Letters to Andrew that finally and lastingly convinced me of the truth of the Bible and the Word of God. When I heard that prophets as early as 700 years before Christ, made detailed statements about the Messiah Jesus Christ, which were then absolutely confirmed, it was clear to me that I was following Jesus. Today I am even, I believe/hope/think, born again and live with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in harmony and unity.  Karl J. Kaiser 12/30/2020, website ABC-Bookshop 3.Nov.2022 edited

182. The miracle through the book Steps to personal Revival
I am 44 years old. I met the Lord at 18, But I moved away from him. In the world I met my wife. At 27, I returned to the Lord, but my wife did not want to accept this. My ordeal began, My wife asked me to leave God. On more than one occasion she asked me to choose between God and her. I did not know how to face that. But I did know what I had to do and I left my house crying because I was losing my family. My son was 5 years old. In my prayers I said to God: You have created the marriage, please restore mine. I left for colporteur work to Ecuador. There I met God personally. I prayed like never before and I clung to him. I returned after a year to my country. My wife and I decided to try it again. It was already different. God had acted on her. But she did not give herself up. In 2021 we received the booklet Steps to Personal Revival. We studied it 40 mornings with 3 trusted brothers and we really read it 2 times. That were 80 mornings of power. God was at work. After years of praying and crying, the Holy Spirit touched my wife’s heart and she is baptized. Praise be to God and the Lord Jesus for so much love to me.     From Peru EE 011222 P.N.V. #182 from Peru

183. An incredible message from Uganda
Early last week I received a direct call from Chief Magistrate of Court who is heading a whole region. He asked to meet me in person. He got to know our team Advent-Youth of Revival Uganda from his pastor, who shared to him last year ‘Steps to Personal Revival’. He begun studying the book with his wife and later he studied it together with his magistrate team and state attorneys. He said that the book has helped them to make good Court judgements and that since early this year the number of criminal cases have reduced from more than  47000 to 20000 monthly cases. Now when he recieved a copy of ‘Abide in Jesus’ from his pastor, he said, God what do you want me do? He feels a task from the lord to reach out this message of ‘steps’ and ‘abide’ to the people in his region.
He thinks that he can’t do it alone, he needs our team together with all his work mates to reach out this message and set a study campaign. He also wants the message to reach out to the prisons and that we print books for the prisoners and to the prison wardens. As a team we are praying for the Holy Spirit‘s guidance. The chief judge and his team are looking for funds also to print ‘steps’ and ‘abide’ and letters to Andrew. Let us see what the Lord can do.
The chief judge called again and quoted in ‘steps’ page 29 (Luganda translation) Romans 12:1 (why surrendering our lives and commitment to God is important). He said that, he called in his Chambers one of the criminals who had raped his wife and this man did it due to drunkardness and other poverty related influence. The judge said the Holy spirit led him and picked the book and read this man this statement and as well as all the scriptures there from the Bible. The judge  said an amazing thing, that while he was reading the man begun weeping and he begun confessing all his sins.
I do not know yet what happened next but he was trying to show me how best the book can transform his region. He wants to know when we my team are ready to train them his entire  court team and those who are able to teach other  for further work.     C.S. National Coordinator of Advent-Youth for Revival Uganda (Ihr Werkzeug ist Schritte zur persönlichen Erweckung) Edited and shortened EE 051222 und 091222 #183 bearbeitet und gekürzt

184. Steps to Personal Revival is for the need of the hour
I am retired from pastoral ministry on 2015 after being served as a ministerial secretary for Southeast India union. It’s my God given privilege to read and translate the book Steps to Personal Revival into Tamil. Its a wonderful book and the need of the hour. I praise the Lord that we have now this essential subject. I know it will be a great blessing for Tamil reader around the globe. (gekürzt)   EPE 04022022 #184 von Indien

185. A huge tithe miracle
Last Year 2021, i held a series of stewardship meetings at Morogoro region, among of the attendees was one person Olengai from Maasai tribe (these are pastoralists society found in Tanzania and Kenya). My sermons was about habit of giving touches the heart of the Christian life. Our life in Christ is possible because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Love is at the center of our life in Christ but giving is the first and most direct result of love. Love to someone is proven in a willingness to sacrifice for that person. Jesus Christ expressed the importance of giving when He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). And, though we tend to measure everything in terms of Tanzania Shillings, Dollars, Euro e.t.c, the giving to which Christ refers is much more than just money. It includes all we are and all we have.
Olengai accepted Jesus by baptism and decided to offer tithe to God from his cattles, he went to his farm of cattles and counted his cattles every ten cattle was a tithe to God, he offered 210 cattles for our Lord God. Today – Dec 22, 2022 – i received call from him and he had a testimony from that day he offered for God, the number of cattles are increasing ten times than he had before, and he’s a testimony to his fellow pastoralists and villagers. I Praise God for Olengai.   #185   EE A.J. 221222 von G.M. Tanzania  

186. Pentecostal Church buys 5,000 Steps to Personal Revival
The Advent Youth for Revival Uganda team was also invited to speak at a large Pentecostal church about revival. The senior pastor then visited our coordinator several times. They have now purchased 5,000 Ex. Steps to Personal Revival and made another donation. Now they study the books in groups.  CS EE051222 #186 from Uganda

187. Answered prayer at customs
Our coordinator in Angola had driven to the border of Zambia via Namibia to pick up 600 books of Steps to Revival in Portuguese for the leaders and ministers in Angola. On the way back, he came to Angolan customs on Sunday, August 21, 2022. He prayed for duty and duty free importation. He was sent to the head of the customs office. He explained that it is a religious book and a gift from Germany for the Seventh-Day Adventist pastors in Angola. The official then allowed free import. I could hardly believe it. I praised and thanked our wonderful God.   TNK EE 210822 from Angola/Southwest Africa

188a. A Huge U-turn
The Ten Days of Prayer 2021 has truly changed my life. It was a huge turnaround for me. (Ruth K.)

188b. Praying for the first time with promises for the Holy Spirit through 10 days 2021
We were so touched by the prayer meetings. The people poured out their hearts to God. We learned for the first time what it means to pray with God’s promises and to claim Jesus’ most precious gift – the Holy Spirit. (Moureen K.)

188c. A Fire Has Been Started
I am very grateful for the ten days of prayer 2021. I feel like a fire has been rekindled within me. I spend more time with the Bible and with the Lord. … I thank and praise God for opening my eyes, heart and mind to fully accept Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my life. (Constance)
All three experiences from – #188

189. Lead to a healing miracle
The ten days of prayer in 2021 have resulted in a miracle of healing for me. Shortly before the start I was hospitalized because of a sudden illness. I felt hopeless because my condition seemed to be getting worse by the day and felt that my prayers were not enough. I was invited to participate in the ten days of prayer from my hospital bed. It was my first time taking part. At the evening meetings via Zoom, many prayed for my healing. I praise God for the wonderful people who prayed fervently each night for each of our prayer requests. … God was so merciful to me that I was discharged from the hospital before the end of the ten days of prayer. It was his healing power that made me whole. I was sick and he touched me. It was truly an increase in prayer. (Harley) Experience from #189

190. Lots to live for now
I’ve spent most of my adult life enjoying the things of this world. I kept telling myself that if only I had the right man, or the right job, or if I could lose my weight, I would finally find my happiness. Little did I know that the more I surrendered to this world, the more empty and exhausted I felt. I always had the 10 Days of Prayer materials emailed to me, but to be honest, I never worked through the full 10 days. I was too busy digging up my own broken cisterns while the fountain of living water was right nearby! This year I decided to try Jesus and take Him at his word. What an incredible ten days it was! (Ten Days 2021) Like Mary at Joseph’s tomb, I saw Jesus and I tell you, He lives! Christ gave me a new perspective on prayer, obedience and faith. After confessing my sins, I gave my heart back to the Lord and asked him to stay with me. Now I have so much to live for. (Thuto) Experience from #190

191. Development to 31 baptisms – The Holy Spirit makes itself felt
The Sri Lanka Mission placed Subani, a new Global Mission Pioneer in Matara to establish a new church. Steps to Personal Revival was translated in to Sinhalese and Tamil the both languages from Sri Lanka. In mid 2022 a batch of booklets arrived in Matara. Subani read the booklet a few times and shared copies of the booklet with all her contacts. Every Sabbath Subani arranged a person to read a portion of the booklet during Sabbath School preliminaries and prayed together with the members. She encouraged her contacts to read a passage of the book daily and pray also daily for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In a few months, she noticed the members were eager to attend church and take part in worship programs which made her work much easier. When they conducted a baptism ceremony in December 2022, there were 31 baptisms, the highest among all venues in the Sri Lanka Mission. Since then she is assigned to establish two other churches in Matara district. One Sabbath morning, Subani arrived at the rented hall early, set up the chairs for worship and knelt down in the rostrum and prayed for God’s blessing. Suddenly she was impressed to open her eyes and saw flames of fire on each of the chairs she had set up for the worship program. Subani felt a bit disorientated and thought she was dreaming. But after looking at other parts of the hall a few times and saw the surroundings as normal and realised that God was confirming the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their congregation. She is ever so grateful to God for providing these booklets in Sinhala; and the work has been made much easier and fruitful.
We have employed one member full time to work with the congregation and encourage them to continue to read a portion of the booklet and pray for baptism of the Holy Spirit daily. We are praying for funds to come through to print a batch of 1000 copies in Tamil to distribute among the Tamil believers. Please send us an email to donate towards this mission project:   #191 EE 110323 Sri Lanka N.S.

192.  Steps to personal Revival summarised in the 10 Days of Prayer 2021
Today is officially the last day of the 10 days of prayer. I’m sure a lot of people have been blessed like I have. God has done so many amazing things for me during the 10 days of prayer, I would like to share a testimony. Last year I went through a season of praying to God to connect me with a group that would help me grow spiritually. God led me to join a group started by Tari Mapfumo and Tshepo Tmg. When I joined the group, along with some friends of mine, one of the books we read was ‘Steps to Personal Revival’.
I enjoyed being a part of the prayer group so much that I was inspired to start another group to learn with a few friends. After reading the book our lives were changed. We kept asking God in both groups, how we could find a way to get people to read the book, our friends, family and churches. We kept praying about it, leaving it in Gods hands.
God being God had already made a way, we were surprised to find all the lessons, from the book, summarised in the 10 days of prayer 2021. We were more than a little amazed and grateful for the lives that have been changed during the 10 days of prayer. This book is life changing, it made me understand so many things I struggled with in my past. There is power in prayer.     #192 A.N.M. 210121 FaceStpR

193. Adventist Youth for Revival Uganda is working with Steps to personal Revival: one miracle after another!
The Adventist Youth for Revival Uganda is working with Steps to personal Revival, but only according 2.Tim.2,2 NIV:  „And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.“
A brother, who is Top Judge from an area of 2,6 Mio people including 18.000 Adventists, discovered that to follow the biblical suggestions of this book leads to a new life in Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit. Therfore were trained 1.600 people to bring on this basis Steps to personal Revival to 5 people. They are now above 9.000. Now is the goal that this around 9.000 will bring again the message to 5 people. Therefore 40.000 Steps-books are needed and for the follow up 22.000 Abide in Jesus. Besides this they want to print 25.000 copies of the Letter to Andrew Nr.18: How can I find the true church myself? Printing costs $ 59.000.- They had no money and we had no money. We all prayed for the means. Our dear Lord granted them nearly $16.000 and we got a phonecall from a brother from a foreign country: I just have send you Euro 40.000 for Uganda, that are more than Dollar 43.000.- We praise our dear Lord for all this miracles. – I asked them how they approach people: They pray a time for 5 people, for those whom they consider able to pass the book to others, who are able to bring it to others (2.Tim2,2) They start there contact with their personal testimony what our Lord did in their lives through daily praying for the Holy Spirit and living in surrender to Jesus. Than they ask them to study the book carefully during 6 weeks, they should make notes and speak about the notes to others, if possible a speech. After that they should pass the book in the same way to others. – Probably they ask them if they want to do it; if not, I think they excuse to take the book again with them, because they have each one only five.  #193 Helmut Haubeil